Monday, January 10, 2011

Release of 'O' level results.

As usual, the 'O' level results are revealed at this time of January. We had the opportunity to witness history in the making where the teachers announced the top pupils of express and of course the normal academic courses. It was a nerve wrecking process even if i was only a witness!

The intense atmosphere could be felt by many in the crowd and It was certainly a eye opening experience. I thought of how i would be if i was receiving the results myself. I thought of how the butterflies would conquer my stomach constantly. I thought of how my future would change with the sight of a piece of paper.

In the end, after the event was over, I saw some happy faces. However, I saw more sad, disappointed faces. The school became like a mortuary in a matter of a few minutes. I really want to help those that are feeling down, but sometimes an extra help is unnecessary. I really want to congratulate the people who achieved, too, but sometimes people may not really appreciate the well wishes in the future.

I certainly hope that they will all turn out to be greater students in their future endeavors. Regardless of whether they have succeeded or not, whether they have impressed or broken a teachers heart. Maybe i shouldn't have bothered congratulating them and consoling them at all.

"In this world, there is no word the better.... can say to the good."

I better be geared up and start early for the coming life changing examinations.

Till then,

Friday, January 7, 2011

''As I said before, I had been playing from the time i was four years old, but it occurred to me that I had never once played for myself. I had always been trying to pass a test or practise an assignment or impress somebody. Those are all important things, of course, if you are going to master an instrument. But after a certain age you have to start performing for yourself. That's what music is. I had to drop out of the elite course and pass my thirty-first birthday before I was finally able to see that. I would send my child off to kindergarten and hurry through the housework, then spend an hour or two playing music I liked. So far so good, right?''

The above paragraph is just an extract taken from 'Norwegian Wood' by Haruki Murakami. It's magic. Just imagine the paragraph to be talking about something else other than music(like studies), and it still makes perfect sense.

Just sharing whatever I can to cover up for my unforeseen absence in the future.

Have a great weekend.

First week of school

I'm surprised I actually found a time to pen down my thoughts again. The first week of school has passed, and frankly speaking it wasn't much of a fantastic week at all. It was very hectic and I have been struggling to meet deadlines. If it weren't for the additional pile of work I left undone during the holidays, I wouldn't be stuck in school trying to sign peace treaties with my subject teachers.

Also, I have forgotten a lot of what I had learnt during the 'head start' program back in early November, which of course calls for more and more serious practicing. It really isn't working out if I'm going to learn the syllabus and forget them one by one as it sinks deeper into my mind where i cannot reach it any longer.

In school, i have remembered more faces than I thought i would during the long holiday and sometimes the names and their faces really deprive me of my much needed attention in class. Nevertheless, I'm really happy that i didn't collapse every lesson like last year and instead could survive the day without sleeping most of the time. Maybe its the new timing i wake up now that has aided me in this.

Nevertheless, the failures of this week shall not deter me from trying again next week, simply because its the only thing we can ever do. Try.

Till then,